Rules on Dec 1, 2017 20:59:55 GMT
Dec 16, 2018 17:13:30 GMT
≫ RULES ≪ The Rules are the most important part of the site, and if not followed, consequences will come. You will revieve two reminders in a pm and two warnings before your account will recieve a suspension. If the offense happens again, your account will be banned.
『1』Respect all players, even if you might not like them, or they are not a fan of you; this will not be tolerated and a warning will instantly be given.
『2』Do not powerplay unless the person you are roleplaying with has given you permission. If someone begins to powerplay your character, you can either go with it, or warn them about it and ask kindly if they could try not to do it again, then continue whatever you were going to say within the role-play.
『3』Do not act as if your character has an ability that they do not have. Where your character was born depends on what ability they have obtained. There is a thread located within the Guidebook that tells which ability belongs to what location.
『3.5』Characters' powers are not fully developed until they are a trained adult. Do not roleplay as if they flawless in their abilities as children.
『4』In convenience of those who have slower and older computers, please keep your signature sizes below 600x600 pixels. If you have an image above that, it will be resized.
『5』The word limit is 100 words within the roleplaying boards. If you are struggling to keep your posts at a minimum of 100 words, try giving more detail and explain things.
『6』Cussing and swearing should be lightly used, and only small words are allowed. Do NOT try to say words around the filter, this will not be tolerated.
『7』Use the location boards as they are suppose to be used. Do not use a chat board as a roleplaying board, or a roleplaying board as a chat board. Do not advertise outside of the advertising board.
『8』Don't share personal information anywhere on the forum, even in the personal messages section. This is for your personal safety.
『9』If you wish to recycle or revamp your account, please contact a staff member. If you would like your name to be changed, please contact a staff member. If you are changing any information in your character's application, please inform a staff member about this change.
『10』You may only have one character per account. If you want to create a new character, you must sign up for a new account. All your character accounts should be connected with your OOC account.
The rules may be updated, so please check back often to keep your brain fresh and/or look for new rules.